Welder Helper
Use Welder Helper to maximize your scores and get out of jams. Get the most out of your saved gold tiles or find a word that will clear a locked tile. Search for a pattern of letters, words that contain specific letters, words within a word, or dictionary lookup. Customized for the Welder game using only words of 4 to 8 characters and excluding proper nouns. No ads or in app purchases.
Welder Helper provides four search options:
Find Letter Pattern:
This option searches for words that match the pattern of the letters entered.
Use ?s for single character wild cards and *s for any length wild cards.
The pattern: B??R?ED finds all 7 letter words that begin with B, have an R as the fourth letter and end in ED.
The pattern: *ATE finds all words (4 to 8 letters long) that end in ATE.
You can mix and match both ?s and *s in a search pattern.
Find Word:
This option searches for words that contain the entered letters regardless of placement in the word.
For example: QINGLY finds all 8 letter words that have any of the characters QINGL or Y. Only words with 4 or more matching letters are returned. You can adjust the minimum matches (default of 4) using Options from the main screen.
Lookup Word:
Use this option to quickly check if a word is available for welding.
Words in Word:
Use this option to see if a longer word contains any subwords that are valid; avoid forming words by accident.
Welder Helper Dictionary:
The dictionary used is customized to exclude words that WELDER does not accept; for example, proper names. If you believe a word needs to be added to the helper dictionary, please send the word using the Contact Us page.